Sam y Nic son dos hermanas británicas que se dedican al mundo del maquillaje. Su canal de youtube es el abc del maquillaje, la universidad de la brocha, y el máster en potingues.
Con este vídeo tan interesante vemos lo importante de la técnica y utensilios en maquillaje.
Y, al igual que en la confección, los efectos ópticos son fundamentales en maquillaje. En este vídeo queda clarísimo.
Al final la chica, parafraseando a una amiga mía, parece un pu*o alien.
Make up optical effects
These to british girls are sisters and great make up artists. Their youtube channel is th abc makeup, brush University, and an MA in potions.
They teach very easily how important technique and brushes are in make up.
And, as in fashion, the optical effects are fundamental. Let´s check it in this video.
At the end of the video Sam Chapman, to paraphrase a friend of mine, looks like a fucking alien.
They teach very easily how important technique and brushes are in make up.
And, as in fashion, the optical effects are fundamental. Let´s check it in this video.
At the end of the video Sam Chapman, to paraphrase a friend of mine, looks like a fucking alien.
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